A Birth Story.
This is birth story of a student in a Breastfeeding Peer Counselor training course; a story of common care in a teaching hospital told in her own words:
“A woman was told to go to the hospital because her levels were no (sic) normal. When she got checked out at the hospital the doctor told her she has developed preeclampsia and need to be induced.
The induction started on a Friday and by Sunday she only moved 2 cm. At 6:30 AM Sunday morning the doctors woke her up and told her they need to broke her water. Being woken up from her sleep she agreed.
By noon Sunday afternoon she was told she has fail to progress and need to have a c-section.
She. was not able to have skin to skin directly after birth due to the baby going straight to the NICU.
She was not able to see her baby for 24 hours due to being on magnesium sulfate.
Ultimately, she developed postpartum depression.”