21st century mothering.

This  photograph, of a model posing wearing expensive brand name clothes and diamonds while she is pumping milk, is promoted as fierce mothering in the 21st century. As a mother who first gave birth in 1975, I think of mothering as a relationship; if she was breastfeeding her baby while wearing all this high-end gear,.. read more →

Baby bodywork: working on the mother

Today’s baby is nearly 2 months old, already pounds over birthweight, and alert and calm. Her mother brought her in for baby bodywork after a anterior tongue tie revision. The baby looked great: no asymmetries, head turning equally in both directions, and the area below her inion (the part of the occipital bone that sticks.. read more →

My bunion, my teacher.

After decades of poor footwear, and 16 years in figure skates, my left big toe joint has a new name: hallux rigidus. It is nearly immobile, a classic bunion. Because it has lost its flexibility, it can’t take its share of my body weight during walking. As a consequence, the toe next to it has.. read more →

Amazing infographic about breastfeeding

The 111 Benefits of Breastfeeding – For Babies, Moms & Everyone Else read more →

Baby steps in meditation.

My friend Laurie Curtin gave me a mala made of jade beads about 5 years ago; she selected the beads with me in mind. I was grateful, and liked the muted green colors, and wore it sometimes. I did not know that the mala was also a tool that could be used in meditation, until.. read more →

Stilling monkey mind.

I have known about, and learned to live with (and even enjoy, sometimes)  the relentless churning of my monkey mind, with hundreds of thoughts flitting through every minute, non-stop internal entertainment.  I never thought that I could stop this fast-flowing river of images, hypotheses, laundry lists, and stories that keep my mind constantly busy. Only.. read more →