Blog: Morning ThoughtsThere are always new stories and new ideas. The stories come from mothers, babies, and research. The ideas come from me, based on 46+ years of clinical practice, and observation. The ideas arrive mostly in the morning. Hence the category: Morning Thoughts.

If YOU have a story to share, contact me and I will put it up.

Common Sense breastfeeding II

I was referred to a young couple, parents of a 3-month old, by a friend. The couple was struggling with their baby’s reflux, wanted information about TummyTime!, and breastfeeding. Thanks to the miracle of ZOOM, we all spoke together today. I got to see their sweet baby and their dog. The parent in greatest distress.. read more →

Common Sense Breastfeeding

A nurse from Mississippi sent me an email today that captured the essence of my teaching so well that I want to share it. She said,“You have given me so much to think about regarding breastfeeding – you make it sound like “common sense!” She went on to tell me what she understood after taking.. read more →

What I learned growing up white.

I have loved working with breastfeeding and human lactation for 45 years, and look forward to many more. As part of my work at a health department, I have given many educational sessions about cultural humility to healthcare professionals. As part of preparing for these sessions, I gathered information about breastfeeding practices from around the.. read more →

Why did I breastfeed?

Why did I breastfeed? I was born in 1950; my baby dolls all came with bottles. The little siblings of my peers in the neighborhood were all bottle-fed. I remember sitting in my high chair, watching my mother making bottles of formula….store-bought formula was too expensive for our family. (To this day, the thought of.. read more →

A chronic disease

I’ve been studying white supremacy, and how it has served me. I haven’t yet seen all the ways that being born and raised white has built my life: my hospital birth and medical care, my education, my career, my opportunities, my choices, my parenting, my housing, and my safety. I am only just now beginning.. read more →

Thoughts about the power of life and death.

Yesterday, in my township, I went on a protest march. At least 500 people participated. The crowd was diverse: old and young, black and white, masked and unmasked. The local police used their cars to line the streets we walked; other officers mingled with the crowd and elbow-bumped with many.  A popular state senator made.. read more →