After watching some interesting videos about the history of Middle East conflicts, ( and I am thinking about projection, a psychological defense mechanism. Projection is defined by Merriam-Webster as the attribution of one’s own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety… read more →
Adopted at conception.
This news article came in my Facebook feed this morning. In it, a young woman laments her lack of genetic heritage; she was conceived in a petri dish as part of in-vitro fertilization, and implanted into a woman (not her mother) to be grown and born. In other words, she was adopted at conception. She.. read more →
Choice, freedom, and judgement.
I am devastated by the Supreme Court’s unanimous (are you kidding, with 2 women on the Court????) decision that will subject women seeking safe and legal terminations of pregnancy to abuse, disrespect and pain. Walking through a gauntlet of pro-life activists will be far more painful than the actual procedure, and will not change the.. read more →
Doors opening to breastfeeding.
This morning’s news is that Facebook is now accepting breastfeeding, after years of struggle. This is good news as mothers and babies are everywhere, and babies need to be fed . Now the rest of society has to catch up. Rhianna is free to openly display her body without censure or shame. .. read more →
The amazing thyroid gland
Having known several people with thyroid trouble, I have learned that the care of an ailing thyroid gland is far more complicated than a prescription for synthroid. This video lecture by physician talks about thyroid troubles being linked with anxiety and depression. We are all one: mind, body and spirit are interconnected. Our practitioners serve.. read more →
3 excellent new books.
1) Disclaimer: I have no financial connection to any of these books. My husband’s recent overnight stay in the local hospital is a perfect example of how our health services delivery system works. All the countless number of doctors did was to rule out a heart attack by ordering a series of increasingly expensive tests. As.. read more →