A call in time saves a lot.
MJ was a 44 year old mother who delivered a boy by cesarean section. She began breastfeeding in the hospital and was referred to me on postpartum day #5; in the 90s, people stayed in the hospital longer after a surgical delivery. Her baby was still pooping dark colored poops; his mother reported that he.. read more →
Encouragement matters.
A young woman wanted to breastfed and was referred to me, the lactation consultant in the program (A Better Start, based out of Osteopathic Hospital in the 1990s) that was providing her prenatal care. She had only 2 weeks off before being required to return to school to complete the requirements for her degree. She.. read more →
Make it easy.
I was the fourth lactation consultant seen by this mother; one of them had referred her to me for craniosacral therapy because breastfeeding was neither comfortable nor easy, and there was a history of slowed infant weight gain. She arrived, bearing so much stuff that it took 3 trips to unload everything from her car… read more →
21st century mothering.
This photograph, of a model posing wearing expensive brand name clothes and diamonds while she is pumping milk, is promoted as fierce mothering in the 21st century. As a mother who first gave birth in 1975, I think of mothering as a relationship; if she was breastfeeding her baby while wearing all this high-end gear,.. read more →
Baby bodywork: working on the mother
Today’s baby is nearly 2 months old, already pounds over birthweight, and alert and calm. Her mother brought her in for baby bodywork after a anterior tongue tie revision. The baby looked great: no asymmetries, head turning equally in both directions, and the area below her inion (the part of the occipital bone that sticks.. read more →
Amazing infographic about breastfeeding
The 111 Benefits of Breastfeeding – For Babies, Moms & Everyone Else read more →