Dance floor is as good as the bandstand.

My first foray into the world of expressive arts was as a contra, English country, and square dancer. I spent hours and hours  dancing with hundreds of people, driven by the energy of live music that provided fuel to dance all night. I’ve done that often, and have driven with friends for hours to far.. read more →

Taking care of myself.

I am sick; yesterday, the new cold brought coughs, drips and fever and sent me to bed feeling  awful. This morning the fever is gone, but the coughs and drips remain. I have things I want to do; I am feeling a little better, so I could go out for an hour or so and.. read more →

Riches of content.

Both my parents had PTSD, and were themselves children of the Depression and World War II. My conception was accidental. My dad buried himself in work, leaving my mother isolated for most of the time. Alcohol was a family member. Suffice it to say that I, an only child, was poorly parented. Fast forward 68.. read more →

My bunion, my teacher.

After decades of poor footwear, and 16 years in figure skates, my left big toe joint has a new name: hallux rigidus. It is nearly immobile, a classic bunion. Because it has lost its flexibility, it can’t take its share of my body weight during walking. As a consequence, the toe next to it has.. read more →

Baby steps in meditation.

My friend Laurie Curtin gave me a mala made of jade beads about 5 years ago; she selected the beads with me in mind. I was grateful, and liked the muted green colors, and wore it sometimes. I did not know that the mala was also a tool that could be used in meditation, until.. read more →

Stilling monkey mind.

I have known about, and learned to live with (and even enjoy, sometimes)  the relentless churning of my monkey mind, with hundreds of thoughts flitting through every minute, non-stop internal entertainment.  I never thought that I could stop this fast-flowing river of images, hypotheses, laundry lists, and stories that keep my mind constantly busy. Only.. read more →